Welcome to Homeschooling for College Credit!

Resourceful high school planning.

We are a homeschool support organization. Homeschooling for College Credit is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization led by volunteers. We are unaffiliated with colleges or businesses, so we never benefit financially from your decisions for your teen. As such, we can boldly recommend ways for your teen to save money and time and get a huge head start on their college experience. (Colleges are not especially motivated to help you save time or money).

Getting into college is easy. Graduating is hard.

Unlike a business that is selling you a product, we exist to create a relationship with you. We crowdsource, create peer support groups, and encourage each other. 100% of our resources are provided for free or very low cost.

The best way to make college affordable and improve your teen’s chance of graduating (the graduation rate for college is only about 50%!!!) is to outsource many of those classes in high school. By earning low-cost college credit in high school that will transfer later, you’re leveraging the opportunities available to your family TODAY that won’t be as easy to grab after high school graduation!

To maximize your time and money savings, outsource college DURING high school.

  • How early? Anytime really. Usually, teens will start in high school, but academically advanced students may start earlier.
  • How smart? Teens of every ability level can earn college credit- even students who need learning accommodations can earn college credit in high school. Average students can earn college credit in high school.
  • What subjects? Literally every subject – from general education university courses to career and technical trade school subjects, they can start classes now.
  • Cost savings? Most states allow homeschoolers to take regular college classes in high school for free or at a very low cost. There are also alternative types of college credits that are free and very low cost! Completing one or many college classes now means taking (and paying) for fewer credits later.
  • Graduate early? No! In almost every case, bringing your teen’s “college graduation” date closer is better than shortening high school. Staying in high school means extra financial and enrollment advantages, while graduating early ends those advantages.

Homeschooling for College Credit is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is led by volunteers. We are unaffiliated with colleges or businesses, so we never benefit financially by your decisions for your teen. As such, we can boldly recommend ways for your teen to save money, save time, and get a huge head start on their college experience. (Colleges are not especially motivated to help you save time or money).

Everything you need to get started is on this page!

Get Started in 3 Simple Steps Today!

Step 1

Watch Introduction to Homeschooling for College Credit: This video introduces you to our organization and explains how you’ll use our resources.

Step 2

Take our 1-hour FREE Mini-Course: Homeschooling for College Credit: The Basics. How we do it and how you can too. Why does Homeschooling for College Credit make the most sense for homeschoolers? Why does it make college affordable? How can outsourcing college credits improve my teen’s chances of graduating college? Why do parents make the best guidance counselors? Before you start planning their college credit, let us help you understand best practices.

Jennifer’s book, Homeschooling for College Credit, is available on Amazon.com or through your local library.

Step 3

Join your state’s HS4CC Facebook group: We run 60 Facebook groups! Our organization lives and breathes on Facebook. Each group is led by an expert volunteer who is or has Homeschooled for College Credit for several years. Every group is full of parents in your state discussing the ways to tap into your local resources. Specific help with high school graduation requirements, college admissions requirements, access to dual enrollment, and budgeting for college are all found in your state group. We also have a handful of special groups like our HS4CC marketplace, CLEP group, HBCU group, NCAA group, ASU group, Christian dual enrollment, or Big 3 degree planners, military families, and more. Feel free to join as many of our FB groups as you like. Find my community

Optional but encouraged

Subscribe to this blog! The HS4CC blog is your daily newspaper for resourceful high school planning, earning college credit, finding free college credits, graduation help, scholarships, our live events, CLEP, and more! The HS4CC blog is dedicated to teaching you resourceful high school planning. Subscribing to the blog does not subscribe you to any other list, just the blog. Unsubscribe anytime.

You’re ready! Now what? Spark Stage!

Plan your teen’s first 3 classes: The first three classes are critical. In the first three classes, we want you to pick winners. Success = motivation. The Spark Stage is when you “spark” your teen’s motivation and enthusiasm for earning college credit. A motivated parent is not enough. The teen must be motivated, too! The trick is finding the right three classes. Our Spark Stage Help Me Start Class teaches you how to do this and how to get started with the best possible plan.


Homeschooling for College Credit works. Think of our organization as a buffet instead of a recipe. We’ll show you more opportunities than you could ever take advantage of, but YOU are the best person to filter those opportunities for your teen.

If your teen earns even one college credit in high school, that’s a success worth celebrating!

FACEBOOK CELEBRATIONS: We want you to get encouraged (and stay encouraged) along your journey! The last day of every month is our “Celebration” day on our main Facebook page. Parents share their teen’s wins for the month- whether it’s getting a good grade, earning college credit, or finishing a degree, we celebrate it.

WEBSITE CELEBRATIONS (Happy Stories): For students who have bigger accomplishments like overcoming educational challenges, paying cash for college, or finishing their degree in high school, our parents love to show you “how we did it” and lend their experience to your journey. Our Happy Stories are full of amazing accomplishments! Your teen could be next!

Since 2012, I’ve made it my mission to stay in front of the changing world of higher education and how homeschoolers can access it in a way that leverages programs that often go unused. Homeschooling families usually have twice the motivation and half the resources! I’m so proud of our community here – it changes lives and is important work. We can help make college affordable and empower you to drive the process instead of being pushed out of the way. I’m so thrilled you found us! Welcome! Shop the book Homeschooling for College Credit.


Jennifer Cook-DeRosa, M.S.

Executive Director of Homeschooling for College Credit