Our Complete Facebook Groups List

Homeschooling for College Credit is a volunteer-led support community for parents. It is free to join, follow, subscribe, and participate.

Social Feed (public)

These social channels allow the general public to read daily posts, articles, announcements, and information Jennifer Cook-DeRosa wrote. Subscribe or follow to have this content added to your newsfeed.

Become a Member: Our Facebook Groups (private)

Our community lives in Facebook groups- you can join as many of our groups as you like!

HS4CC Facebook groups require joining to participate. Click on the link. Our volunteer moderator will screen your request, and that’s it! You’re in! Our groups are free to join.


Your state group is where you’ll connect with others who are trying to navigate the same homeschooling laws, graduation requirements, financial aid, dual enrollment, and college admissions process that you are.

Class of Groups

Special Topics Groups

Restricted Membership

These groups are restricted to those serving in a leadership capacity and are not open to regular HS4CC parents.

  • HS4CC Moderators (for our leadership team only)
  • HS4CC Consultants (for our consulting team only)

Can you volunteer?
